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I've seen them listed in different orders. Here's all five:

1. California was admitted as a free state.

2. The slave trade was abolished (the sale of slaves, not the institution of slavery) in the District of Columbia.

3. The Territory of New Mexico (including present-day Arizona) and the Territory of Utah were organized under the rule of popular sovereignty.

4. A harsher Fugitive Slave Act was passed.

5. Texas gave up much of the western land which it claimed and received compensation of $10,000,000 to pay off its national debt.

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Q: What was number 1 and 5 of the Compromise of 1850?
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What is the number between 1 and 5?

In a number sequence, the number between 1 and 5 is 3.

What number can both 5 and 90 be divided by?

The 2 numbers 5 and 90 can be divided by that they have in common is the number 1 and the number 5. 5 / 1 = 5 90 / 1 =90 5 / 5 = 1 90 / 5 = 18

What is the mixed number for 6 5?

It is 1 1/5.

Why does a number with an exponet of 1 always ends up with the base number?

That is the law of exponents- the exponent is the number of times you multiply the number and times 1 5 to the third power is 5 x 5 x 5 x 1 = 125 5 to the second power is 5 x 5 x 1 = 25 5 to the one power is 5 x 1 = 5 = base number 5 to the zero power is 1

What is 6 divide by 5 as a mixed number?

6 divided by 5 as a mixed number is 1 1/5

Related questions

What compromise lead to the civil war?

the Missouri compromise, the 3/5 compromise, and the compromise of 1850 no it was thethe Missouri compromise, the 3/5 compromise, and the compromise of 1850

Who drafted the compromise of 1850?

Senator Henry Clay drafted the compromise of 1850, the compromise consisted of a series of laws (5 bills ) which attempted to resolve territorial and slavery issues

What compromises did the government make leading up to the US Civil War?

There were a number of compromises made in the US leading up to the US Civil War. The list is as follows:1. In order to have the new US Constitution ratified, slavery was not slated for abolishment, but the importation of slaves would be illegal after 10 years. ( this was a hollow deal as slaves continued to be imported under cover) 2. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 to keep the balance of slave and free states equal; 3. The Missouri Compromise of 1850, this also to keep the slave-free state balance, but added the Fugitive Slave Law; and 4. The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowing citizens to vote on the slave issue when a territory had yet to apply for statehood.

Who held Henry Clay for the compromise of 1850?

The original Compromise of 1850 failed to pass the Senate. Stephen Douglas helped Henry Clay by dividing the Compromise into 5 smaller bills and was able to push the bills through the Senate.

What are 5 compromises and laws passed aimed at avoiding the civil war?

Missouri Compromise of 1820 Compromise of 1850 (including Fugitive Slave Act) Kansas-Nebraska Act Crittenden Compromise

What is 5 percent of 1850?

5% of 1850= 5% * 1850= 0.05 * 1850= 92.5

How did the delegates compromise about enslaved people?

By using the 3/5ths compromise.Only counting 3 out 5 slaves to be counted as 1.

What was Stephen A Duglas's role in pssing the Compromise of 1850?

I'm pretty sure Stephen A. Douglas DID NOT pass the Compromise of 1850. He only agreed about the idea of a railroad starting from Chicago to the Pacific Ocean. Douglas's plan failed anyway, but just to be clear that Stephen A. Douglass was NOT in any part of passing the Compromise of 1850, I promise you! Yea you are wrong, he helped pass the law through congress by splitting them up into 6 (later 5) separate measures. few members were prepared to vote for all of them, but from different elements Douglas hoped to mobilize a majority for each.

A series of agreements between North and South that temporarily dampened the slavery controversy and led to a short-lived era of national good feelings?

The Compromise of 1850, actually a set of 5 compromises

3 5 compromise?

The fraction 3/5 is compromise. It is in between delegates.

What is a bundle of compromise?

The bundle of compromise was a name for the US Constitution mainly because of the Great compromise and the 3/5 compromise

Number of slaves counted for representation in the constitution?

it is a Compromise, which stipulates that three/fifths of the slave population would be counted for purposes of representation.