

What was one fact about r2 2?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: What was one fact about r2 2?
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Two resistors when connected in parallel give an equivalent resistance of 2 ohm and when connected in series they give an equivalen resistance of 9 ohm find the resistance of both the resistors?

(R1 * R2) / (R1 + R2) = 2 Parallel R1 + R2 = 9 Series Treating the two as simultaneous equations, and substituting for R1: ((9-R2) * R2) / (9 - R2 + R2) = 2 R2^2 - 9R2 + 18 = 0 Solving the quadratic, we get: R2 = 6 ohm R1 = 3 ohm Which you can check by substituting back into the original equations.

What happen to the parallel circuit if one resistance is removed?

assume the following configuration: battery connected to 2 parallel resistors with an ammeter in series with the battery... observe the current measurement ... remove one of the resistors .... observe the current again, it will have decreased: if the resistors were of equal value, the current will decrease to half of its original value when one of the resistors is removed. Mathematics: V=IR (V- voltage, I - current, R - resistance in a parallel circuit, R=(R1*R2)/(R1+R2) where R1 and R2 are the values of resistance of the resistors. Before removal- Ib=V*(R1+R2)/(R1*R2) After removal (assume R2 is removed)- Ia=V/R1 so Ia/Ib=(R1*R2)/(R1*(R1+R2)) or Ia=Ib*(R2/(R1+R2) if R1=R2 then Ia=Ib*R2/(2*R2) or Ia=Ib/2 so the current after is 1/2 of that before.

Equation x2 plus Bx plus c equals 0 has 5 as the sum of its roots and 15 as the sum of the squares of its roots The value of 'c' is equals?

x2 - (-b/a)x + (c/a) = 0 or x2 - (sum of the roots)x + (product of the roots) = 0 Let the roots be r1 and r2. So we have: r1 + r2 = 5 (r1)2 + (r2)2 = 15 r1 = 5 - r2 (express r1 in term of r2) (5 - r2)2 + (r2)2 = 15 25 - 10r2 + (r2)2 + (r2)2 = 15 2(r2)2 - 10r + 25 = 15 (subtract 15 to both sides) 2(r2)2 - 10r + 10 = 0 (divide by 2 to both sides) (r2)2 - 5r + 5 = 0 (use the quadratic formula) r2 = [-b + &- sq root of (b - 4ac)]/2a r2 = {-(-5) + &- sq root of [(-5)2 - 4(1)(5)]}/2(1) = [5 + &- sq root of (25 - 20)]/2 = (5 + &- sq root of 5)/2 r1 = 5 - r2 r1 = 5 - (5 + &- sq root of 5)/2 Thus, when r2 = (5 + sq.root of 5)/2, r1 = (5 - sq.root of 5)/2 or vice versa. Since the given equation is x2 + bx + c = 0, a = 1, then c equals to the product of roots. So that, c = (r1)(r2) = [(5 - sq.root of 5)/2][(5 + sq.root of 5)/2] = [52 - (sq.root of 5)2]/4 = 5

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A certain circuit is composed of 2 parallel resistors The total resistance is 667 ohms One of the resistors is 1 Kilo ohm What is the other resistor?

2003 Ohms. R = (R1 x R2)/( R1 + R2) Where R = 667 and R1 = 1000 then R2 = 2003

Are there any cheat codes for madden 09 for PS2?

yes press R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2, then press select to complete the entire game

What 8! Divided by 3!?

2 r2

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R2, r2, r1, r2, l1, r2, left, down, right, up, left down, right, up

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look up cheatcc on google and r2 r2 x down is not a cheat!

Ps2 cheats for destroy all humans?

Bulletproof Crypto=pause and hold l2 and press square, circle, left(2), circle, square.Ammo-A-Plenty=left, circle, r2, right, r1, square.Deep Thinker=r1, r2, circle, right, r2, circle.Pox Unlocks=square, circle, left(2), circle, square.Mmm... Brains=at the mothership hold l2 and press r1(2), r2(2), left, right, left, right, r2, r1.

WHAT is r squared plus 9?

It could be lots of things. One answer can be: r2 + 9 = r2 + 32.