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Q: What was plane name given to col Tibbets?
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What was the name of the captain of the enola gay?

Col. Tibbets

What was the mission given to col tibbets?

Paul Tibbets was assigned the task of training a crew capable of flying a modified B29 and targeting a Japanese city or installation .

Who were the pilots for bombing of Hiroshima?

Col. Paul Tibbets and Major Charles Sweeney.

Who was appointed in fall 1944 to organize the 509th bombing group?

I believe it was Col Paul Tibbets. I will have to check and verify that.

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The 3-letter name given to a mountain pass is "Col."

Whats the name of the bomber that dropped the first atomic bomb on japan?

"Enola Gay." The B29 Superfortress was named after the mother of pilot Colonel Paul. W. Tibbets, Jr.

What was the name of pilot who dropped bomb on hiroshima?

* Colonel Paul Tibbets Jr.- pilot * Capt. Robert Lewis - copilot * Maj. Thomas Ferebee - bombardier * Capt. Theodore Van Kirk - navigator * Lt. Jacob Beser - radar countermeasures * Capt. William "Deak" Parsons - weaponeer * 2nd Lt. Maurice Jeppson - assistant weaponeer * Sgt. Joe Stiborik - radar * Staff Sgt. George Caron - tail gunner * Sgt. Robert Shumard - asst. flight engineer * Pfc. Richard Nelson - radio * Tech Sgt. Wayne Duzenberry - flight engineer

What was the name of the pilot that dropped the atomic bomb on japan?

Col Paul Tibbets of the 509th Composite Bombardment Group based on Tinian island in the Pacific. The name of the modified B-29 Aircraft was the Enola Gay. For historical record there was not one, but two bombs dropped. Tibbets flew the first mission and dropped I think "Fat Boy" on Hiroshima and another pilot flew a second mission that dropped Little Man on Nagasaki.

What did the plane enola gay look like?

'Enola Gay' was the name of the B-29 Superfortress which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan. The pilot of 'Enola Gay', Col. Paul W. Tibbets, Jr., named the aircraft after his mother.

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Col. Henry Blake was killed on his plane ride stateside when his plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan. He had just been discharged from his military tour and was returning home.

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