My searches found that in the 1880 the average female teacher earned about $26/month and a male teacher would earn an average or $32 / month. And the school year was only about 18 weeks.
Compare that to today where the average beginning salary for a teacher is $2000/month and the school year averages 30 weeks.
Multiply your present (old) salary by 1.10 . Presumably the increase is not in recognition of your performance as a math teacher.
The salary of a starting math teacher varies district to district and state to state. most pay scales can be found on the district website. in Toledo, Ohio the starting salary is around $39,000.
The average school teacher in Louisiana makes $47,310 per year. The median annual salary for a high school teacher in Baton Rouge, Louisiana is $48,550.
That depends on what city, county and state the teacher is teaching in, how many classes the teacher teaches, what grades they are, what level of education the teacher has completed, how long the teacher has been teaching there, how long the teacher has been teaching altogether, and, unfortunately, whether the teacher is a man or a woman. You haven't included any of that information.
That is not a valid roman numeral.
Each teacher has a different salary.
what is the salary for the most advance level for a teacher
In the 1950s the standard teacher's salary in Texas was in the neighborhood of $3000
About 37,000 annual salary for a Certified Culinary Arts teacher
Teachers in Honduras are paid a monthly salary of approximately $300. The salary for a teacher in Honduras also includes housing.
The salary of educational teachers differ widely. A preschool teachers salary is less than any other teachers salary. A preschool teacher makes 30% lower than any other teacher.
Physicians make a greater salary than a school teacher.
The average annual salary for an associate teacher in the United States is $41,000, but it can vary a lot by location. The average annual salary in Boston is $52,000.
salary of para teacher in up
A teacher makes about 40,000 to start and around65,000 at retirement.