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Q: What was significant about the discovery of galium?
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Galium verum was created in 1753.

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The botanical name for cleavers is Galium aparine.

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The discovery was significant because we found prove of pangea in other parts of the Earth.

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What significant events happened when Marie curie made her discovery?

she discovered radioactivity

What was the significant about discovery of gallium?

it confirmed medeleev's prediction and showed the usedfulness of his table

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to cut things to your liking and if you didn't have scissors you wouldn't have clothes orwouldn't have something to use to stab someone if you needed to. the thing is scissors are needed and it was a great discovery. and if you don't think that there significant you a idiot

What is the scientific name for a Bedstraw plant?

BEDSTRAWDomain: EukaryaKingdom: PlantaeSubkingdom: ViridaeplantaeInfrakingdom: StreptophytaDivision: TracheophytaSubdivision: SpermatophytinaInfradivision: AngiospermaeClass: MagnoliopsidaSuperorder: AsteranaeOrder: GentianalesFamily: RubiaceaeGenus: GaliumThere are about 600 Species within the Genus Galium.

When did the Age Discovery begin?

The Age of Discovery began in the 15th century, around the late 1400s. This era marked a period of exploration and discovery by European powers, leading to significant voyages to various parts of the world.

Is galium arsenide hydrophobic or hydrophillic?

Its neither hydrophilic nor hydrophobic it is very toxic when it reacts with water