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Q: What was so significant about Gerar?
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How far from Gerar to beersheba?

19 miles or about 30 kilometers.

Where is Gerar?

Gerar was the capitol of Abimelech, the king of the Philistines (Gen 12:6ff) It was located about 20 mile northwest of Beer-sheba.

What king of gerar took Sarah away from Abraham?

Abimelech, the king of Gerar, took Sarah away from Abraham after God intervened in a dream to prevent Abimelech from sinning with her. Abimelech returned Sarah to Abraham and compensated him with gifts.

When Isaac sowed in Gerar was it during the famine as recorded in Genesis 26?

It was during famine time.

What is so significant about Michael Jackson's moves?

They are so significant and he executed them so smoothly that they became legendary.

Why does your Yamaha blaster go in reverse in any gerar?

I believe that you have a very uncommon problem and should refer to a professional repair shop.

Why is fur Elise so significant?

It's not all that significant, actually. Popular yes, significant no.

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to 1 significant digit: 8000 2 significant digits: 7700 3 significant digits: 7660 4 significant digits: 7656. 5 significant digits: 7656.0 6 significant digits: 7656.00 and so on and so forth for forever..........

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The launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957 was significant because it was the first artificial satellite to be successfully launched into space, marking the beginning of the space age. It also fueled the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union, leading to advancements in technology and space exploration.

How many significant figures are in the number 32105?

All the digits are significant, so there are 5 significant digits.

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The significant figures in 0.000042500 are: 0.0000425. So, there are 8 significant figures.

What was the colosseum so significant about it?

The Colosseum is so significant because of it's beauty and because in the Colosseum in there is where the sport is held and it is also significant because it is old and it is a memory for the Italians