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Q: What was the administrative centre situated in a raised area called?
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The male genital pores, which are three in number situated ventrally in Pheretima are raised and inserted into the spermathecal openings of the other worm and the spermatophores are deposited.These raised genital ducts via the genital pores are called Genia Papillae.

When a number is raised to a power what is it called?

The power could then be called an exponent. The number that is being raised to a power is called the base. In the case of 42, the exponent is 2 and the base is 4.

What is it called when a surface is slightly raised?

A surface that is slightly raised is called "elevated" or "protruding."

What is a raised mound of land called?

A raised mound of land is called a hill.

What is called when Animals are raised and then are sold?

Cattle that is raised and then sold to be used as food is called beef cattle. When it comes to birds raised to be used as food the animals are called poultry.

What are the release dates for Raised and Called - 1935?

Raised and Called - 1935 was released on: USA: 22 March 1935

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Who? olivia What? A famous po po When? 2,000 centre's ago Where? Lollipop world Why? She raised 5 bucks

What are the raised lines on a banjo and guitar?

Those raised lines are called "frets".

What actors and actresses appeared in Raised and Called - 1935?

The cast of Raised and Called - 1935 includes: Chick Chandler Tom Kennedy

What is an abrubtly raised hill called?

An abruptly raised hill is called a bluff. It is a steep cliff, bank, or promontory.

What is a large mound or raised area of earth called?

A large mound or raised area of earth is called a hill or mound.

Which three items would be found in a network operation centre?

raised floors network monitoring station data storage devices