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The average stack of 5 pennies is 7 mm tall.

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Q: What was the average height in mm of 5 stacked pennies?
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What is the height of 25 pennies in mm?

35 mm

What is the combine height of 3 nickels 2 nickels and 1 nickel?

It depends on what you mean by height - are the coins stacked or arranged side by side? If they're side by side, the dimension is 6*21.21 mm = 127.26 mm If they're stacked, the dimension is 6*1.95 mm = 11.70 mm

What is the combined height of 3 nickels 2 nickels and 1 nickel?

It depends on what you mean by height - are the coins stacked or arranged side by side? If they're side by side, the dimension is 6*21.21 mm = 127.26 mm If they're stacked, the dimension is 6*1.95 mm = 11.70 mm

What is the combination of 3 nickels 2 nickels and 1 nickel?

It depends on what you mean by height - are the coins stacked or arranged side by side? If they're side by side, the dimension is 6*21.21 mm = 127.26 mm If they're stacked, the dimension is 6*1.95 mm = 11.70 mm

How tall is a penny?

The U.S. penny is 1.52 mm. (1.52mm/penny)(6.023x10^23pennies/mole)(1mole) = 9.15x10^23 mm for 1 mole of 1.52mm pennies. 9.15x10^20 meters Convert to miles: 1 mile = 1.6x10^6 mm. That makes 2.6x10^13 miles for a mole of stacked U.S. pennies. It your stack only reaches 1.2x10^12 miles, you've got counterfeit pennies.

How many pennies will you need build a stack with the height of 5 cm?

A penny has a thickness of 1.55 mm, so 5 cm = 50 mm. (50 mm)/(1.55 mm) = 32.26, so 32 pennies will be slightly less than 5 cm (4.96 cm)

How tall is 1 million pennies?

One penny (U.S.) is 1.55 mm or .061 inches thick. One million pennies are 1,550,000 mm or 61,023.622 inches tall, stacked one atop another. 1,550,000 mm = 1,550 m = 1.5 km 61,023.622 inches = 5,085.302 feet = 0.96 miles Not quite as impressive as I had expected.

How many stacked pennies make an inch?

A U.S. penny is 1.52 mm or 0.0598 in (see 1 / 0.0598 = 16.722

Average door height and width in mm?

height=20.2 cmwidth=needs info

If you stacked Avogadro's number of pennies one on top of the other on Earth's surface how far would the stack extend in km?

Avogadro's number is approximately 6.022 x 10^23. The thickness of one penny is about 1.52 mm. Thus, if you stacked that many pennies, the stack would extend approximately 960,000,000 km (960 million km).

Brain size and weightof human brain?

on average it weighs 390g (14oz) and the width = 140 mm length = 167 mm height = 93 mm

How tall can a snow dog grow?

When you say snow do do you mean a Husky? 21 to 23-1/2 inches and about 23 kg (i have one myslef and his average, this is his height and weight)