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Q: What was the challenge for the pioneers of aerospace face when designing and building a kite?
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What challenges did the pioneers of the aerospace face when designing and building a vehicle similar to the bottle rocket?

they probley had alot of problems like figureing out how to build it.

What did the pioneers of aerospace face when making a kite?

Modern technology was the main problem

Who invented the aerospace vehicle?

The aerospace vehicle was not invented by a single individual, but rather through a collaborative effort by many scientists, engineers, and inventors over time. Significant contributions were made by pioneers such as the Wright brothers in aviation and Wernher von Braun in rocketry, leading to the development of modern aerospace vehicles.

Use the word unyielding in a sentence?

the pioneers faced the challenge of settling the frontier with unyielding courage

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Why did the government begin building the national road?

The government wanted to help the pioneers travel west.

How were pioneers resourceful?

Pioneers were resourceful by utilizing materials found in their environment for building shelters, tools, and furniture. They often repurposed items and found creative solutions to solve problems. Pioneers also relied on hunting, farming, and foraging for food to sustain themselves.

Why did the federal government begin building the national road?

The government wanted to help the pioneers travel west.

Which of these is one of the main reasons that some pioneers built sod houses?

In some areas, there were few trees to use for building.

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What is part of the Hansgrohe Axor brand?

Hansgohe Axor are pioneers in designing and producing out of this world bathroom and kitchen designs, with the stylish brands they produce, they make bathrooms look extraordinary and also supply and design for the kitchen.

What was the first goal of the pioneers once they reached their destination?

Establish a fire and shelter in order to begin farming and building permanent residence. As pioneers became more and more common, finding and establishing a trade route became an important first step as well.