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Q: What was the city that was besieged for 10 years?
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A city besieged for ten years?


What was the city besieged for ten years?

Troy was the city besieged for ten years during the Trojan War in Greek mythology.

When was Besieged City created?

Besieged City was created on 2008-03-22.

What town was besieged for ten years by Odysseus?

what is the town besieged for ten years by Odysseus

A sentence with pestilence?

A pestilence besieged the city.

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A pestilence besieged the city.

What city was the first to be besieged by the army of Alexander?

Perinthus in Thrace.

What city was besieged for880 days in world war 2?

Leningrad .

What city is besieged by the Greeks in The Iliad?

The Greeks siege the city of Troy, also called Ilion.

What led Athens to surrender in 404 BC?

Its fleet was destroyed, the city besieged, and starved into submission.

Is alnwick castle besieged?

Alnwick Castle has not been the site of a conflict for hundreds of years

Which local city was besieged juring the civil war?

Local to where? The famous sieges were Vicksburg, Chattanooga and Petersburg.