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Q: What was the contribution of mathematician sridharacharya?
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Pythagoras. He has the Pythagorean Theorem named after him.

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It is called the quadratic formula.

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Who are the mathematician who had a contribution in trigonometry?

Thales, Democritus, Pythagoras, Aristotle, Archimedes, Euclid, Erastosthenes, Hipparchus,

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The biggest contribution of Blaise Pascal in physics is his contribution towards atmospheric pressure. He discovered that vacuums are real and exist in the real world.

Who is the wife of Pythagoras and what is her contribution?

His wife name is Theano. She contributed services to him in becoming world famous mathematician.

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He was famous for his contribution in mathematics he was a great man he died young but is still an amazing mathematician

What best describes Pythagoras contribution?

Famed as a philosopher and mathematician, his greatest contribution is believed to be the Pythagorean theorem. According to this geometrical theorem, the summation of squares of two sides of a right angle triangle is equals to the square of the hypotenuse side.

What contribution did the Indians make in mathematic?

Most important: the numbers we use today were made by indians then passed to arabs then to europeans and later to the whole world.

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Aristarchus of Samos was a mathematician, scholar, and ancient Greek astronomer. His contribution to astronomy was his presentation of the first model of the Sun being at the center of the universe. In his model he placed the planets in its correct distance around the Sun.