Based on the question being asked on the 13th of May 2013, the answer is the 8th of September 2012.
There are 5 weeks in 35 days.
No. 35 weeks is 245 days.
There are 5 weeks in 35 days, since there are 7 days in a week.
1 week is 7 days and 7x5=35 days. Answer is 5 weeks.
247 Days ÷ 7 Days/Week = 35 weeks. 35 weeks x 7 Days/week = 245 Days 247 Days - 245 Days = 2 Days. So 247 days is 35 weeks and 2 days.
There are 5 weeks in 35 days.
No. There are 5 weeks in 35 days.
No. 35 weeks is 245 days.
There are 5 weeks in 35 days, since there are 7 days in a week.
A quick calculation, as there are 52 weeks in a year, is add 5 weeks (52 - 47) then take off a year. A week is 7 days then 7 x 5 = 35 so add 35 days to 9th April making 21 to month end leaving 14 (35 - 21). So answer is about the 14th of May 2014
340 days is greater because 35 weeks = 245 days
1 week is 7 days and 7x5=35 days. Answer is 5 weeks.
247 Days ÷ 7 Days/Week = 35 weeks. 35 weeks x 7 Days/week = 245 Days 247 Days - 245 Days = 2 Days. So 247 days is 35 weeks and 2 days.
None. 5 weeks = 35 days and no month has 35 days in it.
35*7 = 245 days
There are 35 days in 5 weeks.
35 weeks and 4 days.