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This new perspective had a phenomenal impact on channels of distribution. Suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers were all forced to adopt a business orientation initiated by the needs and expectations of each channel member's customer.

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Q: What was the effect of the marketing concept on channels of distribution?
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The Marketing Orientation and the Marketing ConceptAn organization with a market orientation focuses its efforts on 1)continuously collecting information about customers' needs andcompetitors' capabilities, 2) sharing this information acrossdepartments, and 3) using the information to create customer value.The market orientation simply defines an organization that understands theimportance of customer needs, makes an effort to provide products ofhigh value to its customers, and markets its products and services in acoordinated holistic program across all departments. In what we callthe "Marketing Concept," the company embraces a philosophy that the"Customer is King."The Marketing Concept is an attitude. It's a philosophy that is driven down throughout theorganization from the very top of the management structure. TheMarketing Concept communicates that "the customer is king." Everythingthat the company does focuses on the customer. Via the MarketingConcept, a company makes every effort to best understand the wants andneeds of its target market and to create want-satisfying goods thatbest fulfill the needs of that target market and to do this better thanthe competition.It wasn't always that way. There were other orientations that companies embraced over the years.The Production Concept has been around for years. That concept simply suggests that customersprefer inexpensive products that are readily available. In effect, "ifwe make it, they will come."The Product Concept suggests that companies that build the "better mousetrap" will gainfavor. The thinking here is that customers want products that havehigher quality, that offer better perfromance or do something unique.The Selling Concept preceeded the Marketing Concept. From the 1920's until the 1950's,most firms had a sales orientation. Competition had grown, and therewas a need to pursue the scarce customer. Sales could mean everythingfrom sales people to advertising to public relations, but little effortwas made to coordinate any overall marketing function. What we oftensaw in the Selling Concept was the "hard sell" and the belief thatconsumers wouldn't purchase unless they were sold.The Holistic Marketing Concept that is embraced in the 21st century results in companies looking attheir overall marketing efforts. This includes how their marketingaffects society, as a whole. Marketing is also done internallywithin the company. Without customers, a company will quickly flounder-- thus the importance of the relationship. Holistic marketing looksat the connectivity of the company, its people, its customers, and thesociety in which it operates. The Societal Marketing Concept focuseson.

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The first visible effect of water erosion on a river is typically the formation of small channels or rills on the river banks. As water flows, it gradually erodes the soil and sediment, creating these initial channels. Over time, these channels can deepen and widen, leading to significant changes in the river's morphology.