Aryabhata was India's first ''satellite, ''named after a ancient Indian ''mathematician ''''''
whales are the first specifically named animal mentioned in the Bible
Since the Pythagorean theorem is named after the Greek mathematician Pythagoras, it was reasonable to assume that he is the first person to have it.
Americium was named after America, specifically the United States, where it was first synthesized in the 1940s.
Francium was named after France, the country where it was discovered for the first time in 1939 by Marguerite Perey.
I think that Hockey first started in a country named Canada.
Brazil is so named, after the red wood that comes from that country. First noted by the Portuguese about 1512, as Terra do Brasyli
The continent was named first. The supercontinent of America first carried the name in 1507 (source link below). The country United States of America was first named in 1776 in the full title of the Declaration of Independence.
The United States was the first country to build a nuclear submarine, and that boat was named the USS Nautilus.
Americium, a radioactive element with atomic number 95, is named after the Americas as it was first synthesized in the United States.
India is the world's largest country named after a river. [Indus river]
There is a country named Brazil and there is a country named Belize but there is no country or continent named Bezile.
crispus attucks