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The first palindromes were when Adam met Eve. He said: "Madam, I'm Adam." And she repied: "Eve."

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Q: What was the first palindrome word?
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What is the first palindrome word?


Is there a different word for Palindrome?

There are no one-word synonyms for 'palindrome'.

What is a word called when it spells the same backwards and forwards when the first letter is moved to the last?

There is no word for that. If anything it would just be a palindrome or it would be an anagram turned palindrome.

Is spot a palindrome for tops?

No, because a palindrome is when a word is spelled exactly the same whether you read it left to right or right to left. The word 'tops' is not a palindrome because it is not spelled the same way if you read it from the last letter the first. An example of a palindrome is radar.

What is a palindrome word for of a citizen?

"Aibohphobia" is a palindrome word for "of a citizen."


The palindrome word for "DETECTOR" is "ROTCEDET."

What time word is a palindrome?

The palindrome is Noon.

Is the word river a example a palindrome?

No, the word river is not a palindrome. A palindrome is a word that reads the same forwards and backwards, like "radar" or "level".

Write a PHP program to check whether the string is palindrome or not?

You can do this: <?php if ( $word === strrev( $word ) ) { echo "The word is a palindrome"; } else { echo "The word is not a palindrome"; }

What is a palindrome for relating to past tense of the word do?

A palindrome for the past tense of the word "do" is "did."

Is mom a palindrome?

Yes, the word "mom" is a palindrome because it is also "mom" backwards. The word "dad" is also a palindrome.

What is a palindrome for the word related to citizenship?

The word "civic" is a palindrome for the word related to citizenship.