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Q: What was the game when you play as a blue stick figure whose plane crashed and you end up having to save a princess?
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When the plane crashed, there was a sole survivor, the rest of the passengers having been deceased.

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No, Aaliyah's plane crashed into a swamp. She died on impact.

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We do not know if it crashed or where it crashed.

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The fourth hijacked plane on 9/11, crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

What is the definition of a polygon?

a figure, esp. a closed plane figure, having three or more, usually straight, sides.

What is a closed plane figure having three or more sides called?

A polygon.

What part of Brian'sbody hurt the most after the plane crashed into the lake?

Brian's head and ribs hurt the most after the plane crashed into the lake.

What time did the first plane crash into the twin towers?

The first plane crashed into the North tower at 8:46 am. The plane crashed between the 93rd and 99th floors.

Which three planes crashed on September 11?

There were more than three. Two planes crashed into the World Trade Center, one crashed into the Pentagon, and one plane attacked the hijackers and saved countless lives by crashing in a field in Pennsylvania. The plane that crashed into the North Tower was flight 11. The plane that crashed into the South Tower was flight 175 The plane that crashed into the Pentagon was flight 77. The plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was flight 93. FUN FACT: Did you know that the debris from the World Trade Center smoked and smoldered for 99 days?