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Q: What was the inpact of the kite to society?
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Thomas Edison's inventions, such as the light bulb and phonograph, revolutionized society by bringing about improvements in areas like illumination and entertainment. His inventions also transformed the way people lived and worked, ultimately contributing to advancements in various industries and enhancing overall quality of life.

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How does paper inpact society in a bad way?

yes. because it's cutting down tree's and tree's gives us oxegyne

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9-11 inpact on american culture because

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Gandhi had a major impact on Indian society as well as out own. He tought the Indians how to be resourceful as well as to use peaceful protest.he is a legend

What influenced them to make the kite?

What influenced them to make the kite was for the protection of acient villages in China. Now in our society today Kites are for fun, in fact they are becoming hobbies now.

Hassan was a member of what minority group in The Kite Runner?

Hassan was a Hazara, an ethnic minority group in Afghanistan, who faced discrimination and social marginalization in the society portrayed in The Kite Runner.

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What inpact does coal have on the environment?

Coal has a significant impact on the environment due to its high carbon dioxide emissions when burned, contributing to global warming and climate change. Mining coal can also result in habitat destruction, water pollution, and soil erosion. The ash and waste produced from burning coal can contaminate air, water, and soil, further harming ecosystems and human health.

How do endangered species impact on the environment and society?

Endangered species are, by definition, few in number. Therefore their inpact on the environment is minimal. Their impact on society differs as to what the species is and how much people within the society care about them.

How does gravity inpact you?

-9.8 m/s.