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Q: What was the main reason Wagner's hypothesis was rejected at first?
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How would you determine the expected frequencies for a chi-square goodness of fit test?

You first decide on a null hypothesis. Expected frequencies are calculated on the basis of the null hypothesis, that is, assuming that the null hypothesis is true.

What are the steps in making a valid conclusion?

You first have to come up with a hypothesis. Review the relevant work already completed out there. Design an experiment around to test your hypothesis. Conduct the experiment and analyze the results. Write a summary report. Using the data from the experiment to evaluate the hypothesis in order to draw a valid conclusions.

Why do you formulate hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a guess about the outcome of an experiment due to research. You basically say, "I think the substance will dissolve when I add water to it," then test your theory out.Answerit is simple,hypothesis is a suggested solution or explanation to a problem or a phenomenon. so u will just write what u think is the solution to that problem. for example is a newtons law .it was first a hypothesis and when it accepted it became a law AddendumA hypothesis does not graduate into a law. A hypothesis explains something, a law describes basic behavior.The law of gravitation is the description of the behavior - the theory of gravitation is the explaination for why things fall down.They are related, but not the same thing.

How do you compute the p-value?

The first step in calculating a p-value is to make a hypothesis of the statistical model for your study. You then assume that the hypothesis is true and calculate the probability of observing an outcome at least as extreme as the one that you did observe. This probability is the p-value.

How could Aristotle's hypothesis be supported or disproved?

Drop two balls with different weights and observe which ball hits the ground first.

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Why was the hypothesis of continental drift rejected when it was first proposed by Wegener?

He could not explain how or why the continents moved.

Why scientists rejected wegener's hypothesis of continental drift?

Scientist rejected Wegners hypothesis of continental drift at first because he did not have enogh evidence to support his theory. He failed to provide a suitable mechanism that could cause the continents to move.

At first many scientists rejected Wegener and the hypothesis of continental drift. What was their main objection to his hypothesis?

The main objection to Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift was the lack of a plausible mechanism to explain how continents could move. Wegener's idea of continents plowing through solid oceanic crust was not supported by scientific knowledge at that time, leading many scientists to reject his hypothesis.

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Should you tell her that you don't want to work on the assignment with her because she rejected you?

In my opinion - no. First off, she rejected you because of a reason, and that reason could be a million different things. Don't count your eggs before they hatch. Doing an assignment together could be a growing investment in a great friendship, but you will never know unless you try something out of your comfort zone.

What happens if a hypothesis is tested and shown to be false?

We do not make a clear separation between "proven true" and "proven false" in hypothesis testing. Hypothesis testing in statistical analysis is used to help to make conclusions based on collected data. We always have two hypothesis and must chose between them. The first step is to decide on the null and alternative hypothesis. We also must provide an alpha value, also called a level of significance. Our null hypothesis, or status quo hypothesis is what we might conclude without any data. For example, we believe that Coke and Pepsi tastes the same. Then we do a survey, and many more people prefer Pepsi. So our alternative hypothesis is people prefer Pepsi over Coke. But our sample size is very small, so we are concerned about being wrong. From our data and level of significance, we find that we can not reject the null hypothesis, so we must conclude that Coke and Pepsi taste the same. The options in hypothesis testing are: Null hypothesis rejected, so we accept the alternative or Null hypothesis not rejected, so we accept the null hypothesis. In the taste test, we could always do a larger survey to see if the results change. Please see related links.

What has the author Daniel Schneller written?

Daniel Schneller has written: 'Richard Wagners \\' -- subject(s): Performances, Operas, First performances 'Der Ambassadorenhof in Solothurn'

What is the first thing you should do when solving a problem in science?

Find a hypothesis.

Is a hypothesis the explanation to a theory?

A hypothesis is the first step to elaborate a theory; it is not a true explanation.

How do you know if a hypothesis is testable?

To be truly testable, a hypothesis should be falsifiable, with counter-testing and proof of the null hypothesis possible. First you have to find a problem then find a question or what you are going to test. An example would be paper towels, such as how much weight they can hold. A hypothesis would be, "Bounty will hold over two hundred pennies. A hypothesis is an educated guess.