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Q: What was the material to make bricks?
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What material did the Sumerian's use to make bricks?


What material are used to make laptops?

Bricks. Tons and tons of bricks.

What material is made to make bricks?

Fire bricks are made of ceramic materials and have a low thermal conductivity

What material was chiefly used to make Egyptian homes?

Mud Bricks

What is the basic raw material to make bricks?

Bricks are made by pressing clay into a brick shape then leaving it to dry in the sun

What 8s the material used to make bricks in Mesopotamia?

sun-dried mud or clay

What material is used to make bricks in Mexico?

Usually ceramics such as calcium silicate. If you mean the "traditional" material, that would be adobe.

What material was used to build a typical Greek home?

The material used to make ancient Greek homes was mud bricks that needed repair very often

What material is put between bricks?


Clay is a raw material for what other building materieal?

Clay is a raw material for making bricks and pottery.

What do you call the material you use to stick bricks together?

Mortar is what is used to stick bricks together.

What is the Masopotamian building material?

Mainly mud bricks.