355/113 = 3.141593
main fraction:22/7 most accurate fraction:355/133
The most accurate calculation of pi is currently estimated to be around 31.4 trillion decimal places. This calculation was achieved using supercomputers and advanced mathematical algorithms. However, for most practical purposes, using pi to just a few decimal places (3.14159) is sufficient.
The original manuscripts
The most inaccurate version of PI would have to be...
I assume that the most inaccurate version of pi would have been plain 4 or 3.2 from the Indiana General Assembly of 1897.
355/113 = 3.141593
main fraction:22/7 most accurate fraction:355/133
The most accurate calculation of pi is currently estimated to be around 31.4 trillion decimal places. This calculation was achieved using supercomputers and advanced mathematical algorithms. However, for most practical purposes, using pi to just a few decimal places (3.14159) is sufficient.
The original manuscripts
Marland Davis Howard