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Q: What was the name of the area used by the Indians?
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Roanoke was the name the local Indians had for the area.

How did the Northwest Pacific Indians get their name?

I believe that they got their name from the area that they lived in. Forgive me if I am wrong.

What area did Indians build their teepees back in the old days?

in the plains. the teepees were mainly used with the plain indians

How did Alabama get its state name?

It is derived from the Alabama Indians of the area that became Alabama.

What Indian tribe whose name means southerners?

The Shawnee Indians lived in the area of Kentucky, southern Illinois, and Indiana. Their name means "Southerners."

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What does Lake Huron mean?

the name of the lake is derived from early French explorers who discovered a tribe of Indians of that name living in the area

What is the original name of Halifax?

The Micmac indians called the area Jipugtug (The Biggest Harbour), but its European/Anglicized name has always been Halifax.

How did Yukon get its name?

The Yukon Territory gets its name from the Loucheux Indians in the area. They called it Yu-kun-ah, which means 'great river'.

What resources did Indians use in South Carolina?

The Indians, Powhatan Indians, mainly used resources such as, the trees, timber, to make bowls, spoons, houses etc. They even used the rice in the area for food and ceremonies. The Indians hunted fish for food. They had Indigo, a plant used as dye to dye clothes, or possibly to use as medicine.Major Indian resources:lumberricefishindigo

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What is the name of the area of the waterfalls and rapids along the Columbia river that was an important trading center for the Indians of the northwest coast?

The Dalles