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If they had not been settled, they would not have been colonies!

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Q: What was the number one reason the early colonies were settled?
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What type of people settled on Rhode Island?

People who had been expelled from other colonies made up the early majority.

Was a reason many people moved to America in the early days of the colonies?

for freedom of religion

Why did people settle Scotland in the early ages?

For the same reason that they settled any where else; the availability of food, water and land.

What two colonies did the puritans go to?

The Puritans settled in two main colonies in America: Massachusetts Bay Colony and the Plymouth Colony. These colonies were established in the early 17th century by Puritan separatists seeking religious freedom and a new way of life.

How did the new York colonies begin?

New York City was originally settled by the Dutch, and was called New Amsterdam. The early settlers were engaged in the fur trade.

What European country did the southern colonies colonist come from?

The southern colonies were settled by either the English, French or the Spanish. The deep south, from Florida to Louisiana were settled by the Spanish or French and going up the Atlantic coast from Georgia were mostly settled by the English. As a matter of fact Georgia is name for King George II, the king of England in the early 1700s.

What country ruled the early American colonies?

In the New England colonies, it was a Theocracy. This means that they were governed by religious leaders (priests, bishops, etc.) The King had little to no control over these colonies. There were also proprietors, who owned large amounts of land, and governors, who oversaw everything.

Who settled Charleston SC?

Charleston, SC was first settled by English colonists in 1670 under the leadership of William Sayle. The settlement grew quickly and by the early 18th century, Charleston had become a major port city in the American colonies.

Which continent had the greates number of british colonies?

Africa had the greatest number of British colonies, with several countries falling under British colonial rule during the 19th and early 20th centuries. These colonies were established for economic, political, and strategic reasons.

What is the Early Colonization?

it was when the europeans settled in australia

When was New Spain settled?

New Spain was settled in the late 15th and early 16th centuries.

Where did the early Europeans settle in the US?

the early europeans settled is the east coast