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Q: What was the old freethrow rule?
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How much is a freethrow worth in basketball?

One point.

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How do you run a half court suicide drill?

On our court there are additional lines, one between the baseline and freethrow line "we'll call this line A" and one between the freethrow line and halfcourt "we'll call this line B" that I use. I believe the extra lines are for volleyball. So I line A, freethrow line, B and halfcourt for our suicides.

How far is the College freethrow line?

NBA and NCAA is 15ft from the backboard.

What is the distant from a freethrow line to the base line?

19ft from baseline and 15.9ft from the backboard

What 1 and 1?

And 1 means that the bucket counts AND the person gets ONE freethrow.

What muscles are used during basketball foul shot?

the muscles used in shooting a freethrow are the legs,and the arms

How old is Ann Rule?

Ann Rule was 83 years old when she died on July 26, 2015 (birthdate: October 22, 1931).

How old can a prince rule medieval kingdom?

17 year old

How old was King Solomon when he begin to rule?

He was about 12 years old

How old do you have to be to rule a country?

Any age!