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Q: What was the point of the Five Year Plans?
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Rusian leader who started the five year plans?

Joseph Stalin started the Five Year Plans.

Failures in five year plans of India?

failures of five year planning in india

Who set up a five year plan for the operation of the soviet union?

Joseph Stalin started five year plans to modernize Russia.

Who launched the Five Year Plans?


Where did the Five-year plans originate?

The Five-year plans originated in Soviet Russia in late 1920s and were later embraced by China, India and other countries.

Who reversed Lenin's New Economic Policy and started Five-Year Plans?

Joseph Stalin reversed Lenin's New Economic Policy and instituted the Five Year Plans.Joseph Stalin began the Five-Year Plans.

What did Stalin call his programto industrialze and maderrize the USSR?


What is the object of the five year plans?

economic development

Who is father of five year plans of India?


What does the windmill in Animal Farm represent?

The windmill is a symbol for Joseph Stalin's Five-Year Plans for the National Economy of the Soviet Union. Just as the windmill was promised to make the animals' life easier, the Five-Year Plans were intended to improve Soviet industry to the point where workers had shortened work-weeks.Analogous to the destruction of the windmill, several of Stalin's Five-Year Plans failed to improve work production. Also, as the animals decided to re-build the windmill, Stalin also kept producing many more Five-Year Plans, some of which were successful.

What kind of plan did Stalin use to modernize the USSR?

Stalin's plans were called the Five Year Plans.

When was Five Year PLan started in India?

the first five year plan of india started in the year 1951 go to wikipedia to find more. india has 11 five year plans.