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Q: What was the purpose of 54' 40 or fight?
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What was the object of 54-40 or fight campaign?

The object of the 54-40 fight was over the northern border of the United States with Canada. The 54-40 number was the latitude that the US believed should be the border.

What state is known as 54-40 or fight?

oregon oregon

Polk's election cry 54' 40 or fight referredto what?


Campaign promise by president James Polk?

to annex the Oregon territory to 54 40 line/ used slogan 54 40 or fight!

What are the ratings and certificates for The Brady Bunch - 1969 54-40 and Fight 1-15?

The Brady Bunch - 1969 54-40 and Fight 1-15 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

What is 40 percent of 54?

40% of 54= 40% * 54= 0.4 * 54= 21.6

The slogan 54 feet 40 degrees referred to what event?

the fight with the Hudson bay company

In the 1840s the slogan 54-40 or Fight! was used to support American annexation of?


What slogan came out of the border dispute with Britain in the Oregon terri tory?

54 40 or fight!

What boundary dispute was reflected by the campaign slogan 54-40 or fight?

James K. Polk used "54-40 or fight as his campaign slogan. The numbers referred to 54 degrees and 40 minutes north latitude which was the border demanded for the northern border of Oregon in the US boundary dispute with Great Britain.He eventually made a peaceful settlement for less.

Latitude and longitude made famous by war?

54 40 or fight?

What was James K. Polk's main issue in his campaign?

"54-40 or fight" - Where 54-40 related to the area of land we know as Oregon today. This land was in dispute with Great Britain during this time. Another slogan used by Polk was "Reannexation of Texas and reoccupation of Oregon."