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Q: What was the ratio of guards to Jew's in the camps?
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Related questions

How did the Jews get let out of camps after world war 2?

the guards changed, or rather the orders changed.

How did people get into the camps of the Holocaust?

Jews were forced into boxcars all across Nazi realms and shipped to camps.When Allies liberated camps, they went into the camps shooting at the guards.

Did women help Hitler kill Jews?

In the women's sections of the concentration camps the guards were also women.

Would guards shoot Jews?

If you're asking about the concentration camps, the answer is yes. Otherwise, please specify what the question refers to.

What were some ways the natzis killed the Jews in the consentration camps?

The main way of exterminating the Jews was gassing. The jews were driven into gas chambers like cattle and then gassed. Others had to work for the nazis and succumbed to the harsh conditions in the camps. Many were shot by nazi guards, too.

What was some things the Germans did to the Jews in a concetration camps?

basically anything that they wanted, whenever they wanted. There were some guards who exploited their power and others who did not. But ultimately the Jews were there until they died.

Women guards in Nazi concentration camps?

The women's camps had female guards. Some of them were intensely sadistic.

Where were the Jews killed?

Typically in any pogrom or genocide against the Jews, the Jews were killed in close proximity to where they lived, usually in the same town. The Holocaust was relatively unique in that Jews were first confined to ghettos and then shipped across the empire to concentration camps, labor camps, and death camps. Most of the outright-killing and gassing occurred at the death camps. However, abuse from guards, starvation, and disease killed many in the ghettos, concentration camps, and the labor camps.

Why did ss guards move camp inmates on death marches in the final months of the war?

Because the war was approaching the camps and they had to put the Jews somewhere.

How many guards watched the POW camps of each army During World War 2?

=there was four guards that whtched the POP camps of each army==there was four guards that whtched the POP camps of each army=

What would the guards do to the Jews at Auschwitz?

Whatever they wanted, there were few limitations placed on the guards in their treatment of the Jews.

Where did Hitler kill the most jews?

mainly, he killed them in concentration camps, and ghettos, where in the ghettos, they got very sick, hungry,and starved to death. in the concentration camps, the soldiers there and guards there, worked, tortured and beat them to death.