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Q: What was the root cause of tension between these two superpowers?
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What is the root or base word for tension?

The root or base word for "tension" is "tense."

Is tension a root word?

The root is Latin: "Tensus": to stretch.

Why is there a relationship between velocity-squared and tension but not velocity and tension?

The relationship between velocity-squared and tension arises from kinetic energy considerations in a system. In many cases, the kinetic energy of an object is directly proportional to its velocity squared. This relationship affects the tension in a system because as velocity increases, the kinetic energy (and thus tension) increases disproportionately due to the squared term. Velocity alone does not have this same direct relationship with tension.

What is the root word of hypertension?

The root word of hypertension is "tension," which refers to the force or pressure within blood vessels when the heart pumps blood.

If the tension in the string is doubled what will be the effect on the speed of standing waves in the string?

The speed of the standing waves in a string will increase by about 1.414 (the square root of 2 to be more precise) if the tension on the string is doubled. The speed of propagation of the wave in the string is equal to the square root of the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string. That's the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string, and then the square root of that. If tension doubles, then the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string will double. The speed of the waves in the newly tensioned string will be the square root of twice what the tension divided by the linear mass was before. This will mean that the square root of two will be the amount the speed of the wave through the string increases compared to what it was. The square root of two is about 1.414 or so.

What is the Greek root meaning tension?

Tension actually originated in Latin: "tendere", meaning "to stretch". The Greek translation of tension would be "ένταση", or "éntasi".

The root cause of the Thirty Years War was what?

Religious differences between Catholics and Protestants.

What multiplicative factor would you increase tension if you double the speed of a wave on a string?

The speed of the standing waves in a string will increase by about 1.414 (the square root of 2 to be more precise) if the tension on the string is doubled. The speed of propagation of the wave in the string is equal to the square root of the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string. That's the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string, and then the square root of that. If tension doubles, then the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string will double. The speed of the waves in the newly tensioned string will be the square root of twice what the tension divided by the linear mass was before. This will mean that the square root of two will be the amount the speed of the wave through the string increases compared to what it was. The square root of two is about 1.414 or so.

What is the prefix and suffix for tension?

The prefix for tension is ten and the suffix is ion

What is the root cause for the love?

The root cause for LOVE is SECURITY for living.

What is root cause analasyst?

Is the analysis of a problem and finding the root cause or reason for the problem

What is the root cause in weather changes?

The ROOT cause of ALL weather is unequal heating of the earth's surface.