what was 18 February Sun Bingo numbers and Captain Crunch numbers
2morO Dont worry hunny u will find out soon :)
its because astronomers basis of brightness is the sun...
The idea is to show very large numbers, or very small numbers (close to zero) in a concise notation. If you write down the mass of the Sun in kilograms, it is very cumbersome; also, you have to count the digits to compare with some other number (such as the mass of another star); with scientific notation, you can immediately compare two such numbers.
It is a triangular number In Roman numerals = XXI It is the sun of the first 6 numbers (1+2+3+4+5+6=21)
They are whole numbers,counting numbers,integers,rational numbers,real Numbers,composite numbers,square numbers,positive numbers,2-digit numbers.
82, 53, and 10000000
Kidney Bingos was created in 1988.
bingos in wilmington North Carolina
4 down
Its CodyRocks55
Idaho Yesterdays was created in 1957.
Yesterdays Universe was created in 2006.
== == == ==
All Our Yesterdays - album - was created on 2011-06-07.
Need to specify a date
The cast of YESterdays - 2008 includes: Joba Chamberlain as Guest
2morO Dont worry hunny u will find out soon :)