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1 tonne = 1000 kg

1 tonne of gold has the same mass as 1 tonne of sawdust. The pile of gold would be smaller as the density of gold is higher.

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Q: What weighs more a ton of gold or a ton of sawdust?
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How much does a ton of sawdust weight?

A ton of sawdust typically weighs between 4000 to 6000 pounds, depending on the moisture content of the sawdust.

How much does a ton of sawdust weigh?

A ton of sawdust generally weighs around 400-500 kilograms, depending on the moisture content and type of wood.

What weighs more a ton of feathers or 1000 kilograms of gold?

They weigh the same, a ton is equivelant to 1000 Kilograms, if it helps you will need a lot more of feathers than Gold to make a ton

What takes up more space a ton of gold or a ton of sawdust?

A ton of gold would take up less physical space than a ton of sawdust because gold is denser and heavier than sawdust. The same weight of gold would occupy less volume compared to the same weight of sawdust.

Is dry weight equal to liquid weight?

Yes. Which weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of gold. Answer, they both weigh a ton.

What weighs more than a ton of feathers and a ton of gold?

Well lets just say they weigh the same. ==> Two tons of either one does.

What weighs more a ton of feathers or gold?

A ton of gold weighs more than a ton of feathers. While they both weigh the same in terms of tons, gold is a denser material than feathers, so a ton of gold will have more mass and be heavier than a ton of feathers.

What is heavier a tone of gold or a tone of bricks?

well they would both be the same, as both would have the weight of one tone. however the answer that i believe that you want is that you would need a lot more bricks to make one tone than gold as gold is a lot denser.

If you have a ton of feathers and a ton of bricks which weighs more?

Neither, they both weigh a ton.

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They weigh the same.

What weighs more then a ton?

Yankee Stadium

What weighs more a kilogram or a ton?

A ton weighs more than a kilogram. One ton is equal to 1,000 kilograms.