His children are variously stated to have included a son, Telauges, and three daughters, Damo, Arignote, and Myia.
Albert Einstein's kids were Lieserl, Eduard ,and Han.
ALL the names in the Bible are children's names! Because every person in the Bible was once a child. Their parents named them, so all the names are for kids.
She had three kids Byron, Anne and Ralph.
Mileva Maric and his 2nd wife is Elsa Lowenthal----Albert Einstein had 3 kids with Mileva, Lieserl, Hans Albert, & Eduard.When he married his second wife Elsa, he joined her & her two kids.
His two son's names were Hans Albert and Eduard. He also had a daughter named Leiserl but she was either given up for adoption or died in infancy.
what were his kids names
his kids names were folisha as marie
Martin Luthers kids names are unknown.
Billie Holidays kids names are Billie and Bob. This kids are her god children.
she does not have kids.
Lisa and tina are there kids names
he has 2 kids and their names are Trunks and Bulla
james j hills kids names
He did not have kids.
No Kids
what were their names
I don't know the names but I know he has three or more kids