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The magic 8 ball used for telling fortunes and making decisions has a few answers built in, and when revealed help the decision to be made. Answers given by the magic 8 ball vary from the positives like "it is certain", "without a doubt" and "it is certain" to the those on the negative end of the spectrum including "don't count on it", "my sources say no" and "very doubtful". But it isn't all black or white for our magic ball, sometimes it will give a non committal answer such as "ask again later" or "concentrate and ask again". Just don't make too many life changing decisions based on the outcome of the ball.

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Q: What were some of the possible answers in a magic eight ball?
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Related questions

Does the magic 8 ball lie?

The answers given by a magic 8 ball are purely random.

What is the liquid in a magic eight ball?

The liquid in a magic eight ball is typically a dark dye mixed with water or alcohol. The dye helps to obscure the white plastic dice inside that float to reveal the answers to your questions.

Who invented the magic eight ball?

Albert Carter in 1946 .

How many Answers are in an 8 ball?

There are 20 possible answers

What is the website Peter Answers all about?

Peter Answers is kind of like a virtual magic eight ball and tarot reading all in one. You must enter a petition asking him to answer your question and then type in your question and wait for an answer.

Should you trust the magic 8 ball?

One time at school a kid brought a magic eight ball, we were outside the classroom about to go in. We asked it if there would be a cricket in the sink (because we had a sink in our classroom and every now and then a cricket would apear in it) and then it said "all signs point to yes" and there was a cricket in the sink when we went in the classroom. This could had been a complete coincidence but I feel the vibe a magic eight ball's answers change what going on around you. Not seeing the future, but making the future. If you really belive it, it's really you who making the future. The magic eight ball is just a little boost.

Are magic eight balls magic?

No, magic eight balls are just black balls with a little cylinder like hole in the back with a small pyramid with words and blue dye in it. It's just luck that your question to the eight ball turns out right...not magic. You can buy Magic eight balls in many toy shops.

Who is Brett Murphys true love?

The magic eight ball is broken. Sorry...

Who is right - WikiAnswers or the Magic 8 Ball?

Honestly, both are neither right nor wrong. Answers has a higher chance of being right because people actually answer, the magic 8 ball is just a random answer chosen by shaking the ball. I would use Answers because it is more reliable.

Will Miley and Nick get married?

One day they will.Sorry, WikiAnswers is not a Magic Eight-Ball.

Is there really a magic eight ball?

Yes It is a game made by the Mattel corporation. There are also a lot of phone apps acting like Magic 8 ball, one of them is "yes/no oracle" - available for free on iStore

How may possible answers are there in the magic 8 ball?

The 20 standard answers on a Magic 8-Ball are: * ● As I see it, yes * ● Ask again later * ● Better not tell you now * ● Cannot predict now * ● Concentrate and ask again * ● Don't count on it * ● It is certain * ● It is decidedly so * ● Most likely * ● My reply is no * ● My sources say no * ● Outlook good * ● Outlook not so good * ● Reply hazy, try again * ● Signs point to yes * ● Very doubtful * ● Without a doubt * ● Yes * ● Yes - definitely * ● You may rely on it Ten of the possible answers are affirmative , five are negative and five are non-committal --Rick