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Colony, protectorate, sphere of influence, and economic Imperialism.

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Q: What were the 4 forms of colonial control?
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How was anesthesia used in the colonial times?

General anesthesia in forms such as ether gas was not developed until the 19th century. Colonial era and 18th century doctors relied on opiates and other sedative drugs to control pain during and after surgery.

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Briefly describe three art forms which emerged during colonial period

What were the four methods of European colonial?

Economic control through mercantilism. political by passing and enforcing colonial laws, military control,and emotional control through family ties etc.

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because they would not have to explain it .

Who held colonial control of most of India?

The UK.

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What were the four methods of European colonial control?

Colony, protectorate, sphere of influence, and economic imperialism.

What did patriots mean in colonial times?

The Patriots, in colonial times, referred to people who wanted freedom from Britain's control.

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America in the Colonial Era?

A colonial period is a period of time in a nation's history when it was under the control of a colonial power. One example is when the U.S. Colonies were under control of the British government before the Revolutionary War.

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The colonial revolt against control by the English government?

Revolutionary War