

Best Answer
  • Chinese nationalism;
  • rise of new merchant and labor class;
  • rise of new intellectual class;
  • growth of new cities;
  • spread of public education;
  • failures of previous revolutions;
  • warlord disorder.
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Q: What were the conditions leading to the May Fourth Revolution?
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What were three of the conditions leading to the May Fourth Revolution?

rise of Chinese nationalismspread of public educationrise of new intellectual class

What triggered the may fourth movement in China?

Student demonstrations in Beijing on May 4, 1919, that sparked national protests leading to an upsurge of Chinese nationalism.

When did May Revolution happen?

May Revolution happened on 1810-05-25.

Where did the second battle in the the American revolution took place?

There has never been a second American Revolution. Some may count the war of 1812 as a revolution but it was an invasion by the British. __ You will find a lot of modern references to the Second American Revolution. Usually, the person writing the article is unhappy with the government and the path the US is taking and are calling for a new revolution (some peaceful, some not) to change the nature of government. Please note: The War of 1812 was not started by a British invasion. There were may tensions leading to it, but it was not sparked by an invasion.

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Arthritis is a leading cause of total joint surgery. Degeneration, bone necrosis, trauma and injury, dysplasia, malformation, can all be conditions that may also lead to joint reconstruction, too.

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Sugar crystals grow better in acidic conditions because the presence of acid can help to prevent the sugar from crystallizing too quickly, leading to larger and more defined crystals. Alkaline conditions may interfere with the crystallization process and result in smaller or irregularly shaped crystals.

What happend on may 5 1789?

The French Revolution begin on May 5th, 1789 and ended in 1799.

Is there an official Star Wars day?

May 4th. May the Fourth be with you.

Is may the 4th Star Wars day?

Yes! May the fourth be with you!