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The south was outnumbered, and had limited industrialization compared to the north. Union soldiers outnumbered confederate solders 3 to 1, and the north was able to better equip their soldiers faster.

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Q: What were the factors to the defeat of the south in 1865?
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Did the south defeat the north during the civil war?

The south did not defeat the north in the civil war. The last shot was fired on June 22, 1865 quickly followed by the concession of the south thus ending the war in the north's victory.

What are all the factors in 1865?

The factors of 1865 are: 1, 5, 373, 1865

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The factors of 1865 are: 1, 5, 373, 1865

Which controversial racist group was formed on Christmas Eve 1865?

Not sure but in 1865 the American Civil War was concluding and I think the Klu Klux Klan was formed about that time in response to the South's defeat.

What are the factors of 1865?

The factors of 1,865 are: 1 5 373 1865

What are all the factors of 1865?

1865 = 5×373 All of the factors are 1,5,373,1865.

Was a lack of nationalism one element that caused the defeat of the Confederacy in 1865?

Some historians cite the lack of a real and long term nationalism as one of many factors that hampered the South's war effort and led to its defeat. The South was united against the Republicans.Their long term loyalties were with the United States not to the Confederate States of America. The lack of nationalism led to many soldier desertions and the South still remained a viable military force even after Appomattox.

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What describes the south by the spring of 1865?

By the spring of 1865 the south was the poorest region of the United States.

What was the main crops in the south during 1820 and 1865?

What was the main crops in the south during 1820 and 1865?

Where did grant have to defeat confederate forces before he got Richmond?

He had to defeat the Pickett's detachment at Five forks on Apr. 1, 1865 and break through the Confederate defensive line of Petersburg on Apr. 2, 1865.

What did the defeat of the south do?

The south lost