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The Pythagoreans

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Q: What were the people that followed Pythagoras called?
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Was there only one Pythagoras or where there a group of people called the Pythagoreans?

Both. There was a man named Pythagoras and his followers were called the Pythagoreans. Yes, there was someone called Pythagoras, and those loyal to him were Pythagoreans, though Pythagoreans sounds more like a tribe of natives than a bunch of people who followed a man.

What is Pythagoras nickname?

Pythagoras was his nickname. Pythagoras' real name was Pythagoras of Samos and that is how he was called. i.e. a guy knew him and said " greetings Pythagoras of Samos. " Only close friends would have called him Pythagoras. He is know just known as Pythagoras to modern people because we do not have such formalities as they did back then.Answer:Pythagoris was known as the "hyperborean Apollo" a being different from man or the gods.

What was the name of the group that followed Pythagoras?

They were known as the Pythagoreans.

Why was Pythagoras reffered to as the Pythagoras of samos?

Pythagoras was called "Pythagoras of Samos" because he was born in Samos.

Who did Pythagoras work with?

Pythagoras is not known to have had any named partners. However, he did have many disciples who followed him in philosophy, mathematics and religion. Plato and Aristotle were both influenced by Pythagoras's principles.

What was pythagoras' name?

His only name in historical record is Pythagoras, he is sometimes called Pythagoras of Samos

Who found out about Pythagoras?

the egyptians used Pythagoras thereom before "Pythagoras" so called founded it.

Why was Pythagoras known as the father of numbers?

Pythagoras is called the father of numbers because he discovered the Pythagoras theoram.

What is Pythagoras eduction?

Pythagoras education was mathematics and was taught by other people

When did Pythagoras make his school?

Pythagoras didn't make a school, Other people made the school in honor of Pythagoras

What are some unique factors of Pythagoras?

Some unique factors of Pythagoras is that he wasn't interested in math but formed the school that is of great mathematical study in its time. He followed a list of rules that pythagoreans followed, some without explanation; he would not eat meat, and stuff.

What was Pythagoras mum called?
