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Q: What were the types of gas used in W.W.I.?
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Poison in wwi?

Chlorine, Diphosgene, Tearing Agent, and Mustard Gas were used as poisions in WWI

Was tear gas used during the civil war?

no, chemical weapons such as gas were first used in WWI, starting with chlorine gas

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Separation of what? If it is the separation of East/West Germany then it is because gas masks were used in Gas Warfare, which was used in WWI and WWII.

What was invented in WWI?

Chlorine gas, machine guns, tanks, and planes were used for war.

What element was a poison gas used in World War 1?

The common poison gas of WWI was Mustard Gas, a combination of Sulfur and Chlorine (C4H8Cl2S).

What new weapon on wheels was used in ww1?

The tank. Though not wheeled, gas was also used for the first time in WWI.

Who releases gas in World War 1?

Poison gas is brought into WWI by the Germans. Both sides used gas, although the Germans were the first to use poison gas

Was there mustard gas at World War 1?

It was succesfull for any country that used it anywhere

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What is the poison gas in WWL?

The poison gas used in WWI was primarily chlorine gas, followed by phosgene and mustard gas. These gases were used by both the Allies and the Central Powers, causing widespread suffering and casualties among soldiers on the battlefield.

How is gas used as a biological weapon in the Great War what types of gas are used and what are their effects?

Well like there was the gas that hurt your face and stuff

What does phosgene smell like?

Phosgene has a sweet odor, similar to freshly cut hay or grass. However, it can be difficult to detect because its smell threshold is higher than its unsafe exposure level.