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Q: What will a scientist do after their first attempt to solve a problem?
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How does scientist help us?

To solve your problem

How scientist solve a particular problem?

They first research on the course of the problem and immediately they come up with a good results, they are able to resolve their problems.

What is an enviromental scientist?

An environmental scientist is a professional who studies the environment and how it is impacted by human activity. They work to understand and address environmental issues such as pollution, climate change, and biodiversity loss in order to promote sustainability and protect ecosystems. Environmental scientists may work in various settings including government agencies, research institutions, and non-profit organizations.

When trying to solve a problem what does a scientist do with things learned from other scientists?

A scientist uses the information as a beginning for solving a problem.

How the scientist solve their problem?

The scientist solved his problem by doing it over again several times. Also by constructing a hypothesis.

How does a scientist solve a problem?

he tries it again and again and again!

How do scientist fills gaps or solve problem in your community?

With research.

When a scientist is tying to salve a problem what do they need to come up with?

When a scientist is trying to solve a problem they need to come up with hypothesis.

What is a medical scientist?

A medical scientist usually makes the medicines. They find a problem and then they study then solve it with medicine.

What are the procedures a scientist can follow in order to solve a problem?

Scientific method

What tool do scientists use to attempt to solve the worlds problem's?
