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The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 .

After 2.5 s, the bullet's speed is [ 172 - 2(9.8) ] = 152.4 m/s upward.

The average speed during those 2.5 seconds is [ 1/2 (172 + 152.4) ] = 162.2 m/s.

In 2.5 seconds at that average speed, the bullet travels (162.2 x 2.5) = 405.5 meters.

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Q: What will be its displacement after 2.5s when a bullet is fired straight up from a gun with a muzzle velocity of 172 meters per second and the acceleration of gravity is 9.8 meters per sec sq.?
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How is the initial velocity zero but the acceleration is not?

Going back to definitions, Velocity is change of distance with time; and acceleration is change in velocity with time. Initially, the velocity is zero, as is the acceleration, BUT the Force of Gravity attracts the falling mass, and causes velocity to appear. But the continued application of the Force of Gravity causes the velocity to increase. And as we know, increase in velocity is acceleration. [space for QED]

What is the example of Zero velocity but non zero accelerator?

Throwing a ball straight up in the air. It will reach some peak where the velocity is zero, but the acceleration due to gravity is a constant -9.8m/s^2.

How do you find final velocity given height and mass?

the final velocity assuming that the mass is falling and that air resistance can be ignored but it is acceleration not mass that is important (can be gravity) final velocity is = ( (starting velocity)2 x 2 x acceleration x height )0.5

Can an object have zero velocity at the same time that it has acceleration?

Absolutely. That's exactly the situation of a rubber ball that was tossed straight up, at the instant when it's at the top of its arc. Any object that's not connected to anything else and is rising or falling has constant acceleration ... the acceleration of gravity. If it was originally launched upward, then it eventually runs out of steam, stops, reverses direction, and starts moving down. At that instant during its constant acceleration, its velocity is zero.

How do you find time from the formula Velocity equals initial velocity plus gravity times time squared?

vf=vi+at² simplifying making vi=0, v=at²t²=v/at=√v/atime equals square root of velocity divided by acceleration (or gravity)

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What is the acceleration equation using acceleration force of gravity and velocity?

s = ut + 1/2 at^2 s=displacement u= initial velocity t=time a=acceleration

What happens to the displacement velocity and acceleration of an object as it falls through the air to the ground?

As an object falls through the air towards the ground, its displacement increases as it moves further down. The velocity of the object also increases due to acceleration from gravity until it reaches its terminal velocity, when air resistance balances out with gravity. The acceleration of the object remains constant at approximately 9.8 m/s^2 due to gravity acting on it.

How is gravity related to calculus?

The way in which a body moves when under the influence of gravity, and possibly other forces, requires the study if vector calculus. The net forces cause acceleration in the motion. The velocity of the body is the integral of the acceleration and displacement is the integral of velocity.

What is the acceleration at highest pointn when ball is thrown straight up?

The acceleration at the highest point when a ball is thrown straight up is equal to the acceleration due to gravity, pointing downwards (-9.8 m/s^2). At the highest point, the velocity of the ball is momentarily zero before it starts to fall back down.

What is the only factor needed to calculate change in velocity due to acceleration of gravity 9.8 m s?

The only factor needed to calculate change in velocity due to acceleration of gravity is time. The formula to calculate the change in velocity is: change in velocity = acceleration due to gravity * time.

Can displacement and velocity be in the same direction?

Yes, displacement and velocity can be in the same direction. This happens when an object is moving in a straight line without changing direction. In this case, both the displacement (overall distance traveled) and the velocity (rate of change of displacement) will be in the same direction.

How is the initial velocity zero but the acceleration is not?

Going back to definitions, Velocity is change of distance with time; and acceleration is change in velocity with time. Initially, the velocity is zero, as is the acceleration, BUT the Force of Gravity attracts the falling mass, and causes velocity to appear. But the continued application of the Force of Gravity causes the velocity to increase. And as we know, increase in velocity is acceleration. [space for QED]

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The slope of a straight line tells the rate at which your variables are changing. In this case, it tells you how your velocity is changing over time, which in physics is how we define acceleration. If you graph the velocity of an object vs time when it is falling through the air, it gives to the acceleration due to gravity because that is the acceleration all objects fall at.

How long is Tina in the air when she leaps straight up with a speed of 1.8ms?

To find out how long Tina is in the air when she leaps straight up with a speed of 1.8 m/s, you can use the formula: time = velocity/acceleration due to gravity. However, since Tina is leaping straight up, her initial velocity is 0 m/s, and only the acceleration due to gravity affects her motion. The acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8 m/s^2. Therefore, Tina will be in the air for approximately 0.18 seconds.

A girl throws a tennis ball upward with an initial velocity of 4 meters per second . What is the maximum displacement of the ball?

The maximum displacement of the ball can be calculated using the equation: [ \text{Displacement} = \frac{{\text{Initial velocity}^2}}{2 \times \text{Acceleration}} ] Assuming the ball is thrown vertically and ignoring air resistance, we can use an acceleration of -9.8 m/s^2 to represent the acceleration due to gravity. So, the maximum displacement of the ball would be 0.82 meters.

When A ball is thrown straight up from the ground. What way does its acceleration point at the top?

At the top of its path, the acceleration of the ball points downward, opposite to the direction of its velocity. This acceleration is due to gravity and causes the ball to slow down and eventually come back down to the ground.

Why does gravity change velocity?

Gravity changes velocity because it accelerates objects towards the Earth at a rate of 9.81 m/s^2. As objects fall, their velocity increases due to this gravitational acceleration. Conversely, when objects move against gravity, such as when thrown upwards, gravity decreases their velocity until they eventually stop and fall back down.