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Q: What will be the conclusions of this civilization 1000 years from now?
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What year will it be 1000 years from now?

from a thousand years from now the year will be 3013

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6 percent of 1000 is 60 - whether now, 20 years ago or 20 years from now.

When is it going to be 1000 years?

It was already the year 1000. That was 1,013 years ago. One thousand years from now will be the calendar year 3013.

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as of now , there is no way of knowing

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No. Maybe 1000 years from now.

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In 1000 years from now

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If you are 9 years old now in a 1000 years you would be 334 years old. There is not one person that has lived that long.

What would the world be like 1000 years from now?

Bob likes pie.

Are you living in the time when the world will end or is it a 1000 years from now?

it will happen soon

What would happen in 1000 years from now?

It is difficult to predict with certainty what will happen in 1000 years from now, as many variables can influence the future. However, it is likely that technology will have advanced significantly, societies may be more interconnected, and there may be new challenges and opportunities that we cannot imagine today. Environmental changes and how they are addressed will also play a crucial role in shaping the future.

What clothes will people wear 1000 years from now?

They might wear white