There is no general conversion between time and distance. For speed problems, use the formula distance = speed x time.
The formula to determine speed is Speed= wavelength*frequency
The general formula is:distance = speed x timeIn this case, you need to divide the distance by the speed, to get the time.
The formula is [ Speed = a number ], or [ Slater = Searlier ], or [ |Acceleration| = 0 ].
The formula to find the amplitude of a wave is A = (1/2) * (crest height - trough depth). The speed of a wave can be calculated using the formula v = λ * f, where v is the speed, λ is the wavelength, and f is the frequency.
There is no general conversion between time and distance. For speed problems, use the formula distance = speed x time.
The formula to determine speed is Speed= wavelength*frequency
No. In general, for the simplified case of constant speed, use the formula: distance = speed x time
The formula for finding speed is speed = distance/time. This formula is used to calculate the rate at which an object is moving over a certain distance in a specific amount of time.
You need the speed to do the conversion. The formula is distance = speed x time.You need the speed to do the conversion. The formula is distance = speed x time.You need the speed to do the conversion. The formula is distance = speed x time.You need the speed to do the conversion. The formula is distance = speed x time.
That depends on the speed. Use the formula distance = speed x time.That depends on the speed. Use the formula distance = speed x time.That depends on the speed. Use the formula distance = speed x time.That depends on the speed. Use the formula distance = speed x time.
The general formula is:distance = speed x timeIn this case, you need to divide the distance by the speed, to get the time.
In general, you can't convert between dissimilar units - in this case, time and distance. However, for a specific speed, you can use the formula: distance = speed x time
The formula to determine speed is speed = distance / time. To determine the diameter of a circle, the formula is diameter = 2 x radius.
Speed is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time it took to travel that distance. The formula for speed is: Speed = distance/time.