600 seconds would be 10 minutes, then add the other 25 seconds and... 625 seconds = 10 minutes and 25 seconds
If m stands for minutes then, clearly, the answer is 600 minutes. If m stands for metres then there is no possible answer: distance cannot be expressed in terms of time.
10 hours will have passed
1525/60 = 25 hours (and a bit) 1525 - (25 * 60) = 25 minutes Therefore the answer is 25hours and 25 minutes.
It is ten minutes.
In terms of time, 25 minutes to one refers to 12:35. This is because one hour ahead of 1 o'clock is 2 o'clock, and 25 minutes added to 1 o'clock brings us to 1:25. Therefore, 25 minutes to one is equivalent to 12:35.
600 seconds would be 10 minutes, then add the other 25 seconds and... 625 seconds = 10 minutes and 25 seconds
Answer: 4 hours 25 minutes Step-by-step explanation: Elapsed time is the amount of time used from the beginning of an event to the end of that particular event. The beginning of the event is the start time and the end is the end time. Start time= 1.35 End time= 6.00 To get the elapse time, subtract 1.35 from 6.00 and recall that 60 minutes make one hour. = 6.00 - 1.35 = 4.25 = 4 hours, 25 minutes The elapse time is 4 hours, 25 minutes.
If m stands for minutes then, clearly, the answer is 600 minutes. If m stands for metres then there is no possible answer: distance cannot be expressed in terms of time.
10 hours will have passed
It is 25 minutes after 8 o'clock - in the morning or the evening.
1525/60 = 25 hours (and a bit) 1525 - (25 * 60) = 25 minutes Therefore the answer is 25hours and 25 minutes.
It is ten minutes.
It's "25 minutes after 5", also known as "5:25" and "35 minutes before 6".
ten minutes is 600 seconds
600 minutes = 10 hours