To find out what numbers will divide both 69 and 72 exactly, we look at the prime numbers that, when multiplied together, give each of those numbers:
since the divisors of those numbers will be either those primes or some multiples of them (in addition to 1), we look to see what primes they have in common. There is only one, so that number is the only common divisior other than 1. Thus the answer is 3.
Fun fact: Any number, like 7917 for example, is divisible by 3 when the sum of its integers is divisible by 3. (7+9+1+7=24) The same holds true for 9 (7479, 7+4+7+9=27)
three times = 69
72 - 69 x 73=4965 you have to do multiplication first because of order of operations then subtract by 72.
9*8=72 72-3=69 9*8-3=69
100+100+100+72+69=441 441/5=88.2 A=88.2
not sure but a 68 is a 69 and they owe you one
69 is 95.83% of 72
69 * 72 = 4,968
three times = 69
mine goes about 69-72 mph
69 72 85 85 98range = 98 - 69 = 29
72 - 69 x 73=4965 you have to do multiplication first because of order of operations then subtract by 72.
It is 72, the middle number when they are arranged in order.
0.9583333333 . . .