The HCF of both numbers is 300
It is: 300% of 300 = 900
To determine how many times 70 can go into 300, you would divide 300 by 70. The result of this division is approximately 4.2857. Since you cannot have a fraction of a division in this context, you would consider the whole number part of the result. Therefore, 70 can go into 300 approximately 4 times.
45% of 300 = 45% * 300 = 0.45 * 300 = 135
495165% of 300= 165% * 300= 1.65 * 300= 495
The number is three.
300, 600, 900, 1200, 1500 +300 . . .
The HCF of both numbers is 300
The number 300 is a multiple of 3.The number 3 is a factor of 300.
If 6 times a number is 300 then the number is 50 because 6*50 = 300
It is: 300% of 300 = 900
60, 120, 180, 240, 300 +60 . . .
It is 300.
To determine how many times 70 can go into 300, you would divide 300 by 70. The result of this division is approximately 4.2857. Since you cannot have a fraction of a division in this context, you would consider the whole number part of the result. Therefore, 70 can go into 300 approximately 4 times.
The next whole number or integer after 299 will give you 300
300% cannot sensibly represented as a mixed number. As a fraction, it is 3/1.
64% of 300= 64% * 300= 0.64 * 300= 192