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Since there is no possibility of this actually happening, there is no harm in revealing that every sun in the Universe would suddenly go nova; consequently all life in the Universe would cease to exist. A Universal reduction of gravity by 83.333% would mean that there was now insufficient force to hold all the matter of the suns against the force of the constant chain of thermonuclear explosions within. They would erupt in unimaginable explosions, scattering all their matter in an expanding globe of destruction.

The 5/6ths decrease in gravity would do virtually nothing to solid bodies like our rocky planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Their atmospheres would expand, dropping in pressure. Earth's, now barely held down by gravity would expand so breathing would become almost impossible, but at least you could watch all the bodies of water like lakes and oceans start to boil away into vapour as you suffocated. Although minutes to hours after the change, these planets would be melted in the expanding globe of the Sun. Gas giants like Jupiter and even Saturn could expand tremendously, engulfing their Moons long before the expanding cloud of destruction that was the former Sun could reach them travelling at a mere 186,282 miles or 299,793 kilometres per second. Of course that would only be the electromagnetic radiation; it would be followed days later by particulate matter that would shred and tear away the atmosphere laying bare the metallic hydrogen/helium core, which it would then erode away to nothing as well.

There would be no place imaginable where life as we know it could survive anywhere in the entire Universe. It would be the end of everything.

But, it'll never happen.

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Q: What will happen if the universal gravitational constant reduced to one sixth of its original value?
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What happens to the gravitational force when two objects moved away from each other?

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