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Q: What will happen if the world didn't have oxygen for 5 seconds?
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the Holocaust would not have happend without World War II.

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Prices would drop.

Is 5 seconds a lot of time?

five seconds is not long to one person but if you look at the world as a whole, so much can happen in five seconds. It is all relative.

India What will happen to the earth on 12 21 2012?

Nothing will happen in 2012! everyone said the world was going to end in 2000 but it didnt dont worry ! :) We'll be fine

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the end of the world is not gonna happen in 2012 cause in 2000 everybody thought it would be the end of theworld but it didnt happen god is always with us. write comments down ok and rember the end is not gonna happen ok.

What will happen if there where no trees in the world?

There would be more CO2 then Oxygen. Humans would either adapt to it or slowly start dying.

What would happen to the world if all the forests disappeared for one day?

the world will perish because we won't have enough oxygen to breathe no protection from direct sunlight

How many people are there in the world accuratly?

Nobody actually knows but there is about 28 trillion people in the world A person is born every 2 seconds and someone dies every 3 or 4 seconds You might think if more people are born than die than there will be no more room in the world Thats why earthquakes happen and tornado's and etc. happen I'm not sure if this is what really happens but its what I think anyway

What if fractions didn't exist?

if fraction didn't exist we will never know it or learn it and never understood it :)