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Density of water = 1000 kgm-3.

Gravitational acceleration = 9.81 ms-2

To calculate the pressure head of a 1 m depth of water, it is necessary to find the unit weight:

Unit Weight = Density x gravity

Unit Weight = 9810 Nm-3

To calculate the pressure head at the base of the column of water:

Pressure = Unit Weight x Depth

Pressure = 9810 x 1

Pressure = 9810 Pa

The resulting pressure is 9.81 kPa.

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Q: What will the pressure be at the base of a 1 meter high column of water?
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How much does pressure does a one half inch diameter column of water exert at its base?

The diameter of the water column does not affect the pressure.It is the height of the column that determines the pressure at the base.(and also the barometric pressure and temperature).

What are the metric base units that is used for mass length and volume?

Mass: kilogram Length: meter Volume: cubic meter (this is not a base unit, since it is derived from the meter)

How is a binary number converted to a decimal number?

This is done in the same manner of converting a number in any non-decimal base (not base 10) to a decimal (base 10) number: In each base system, the place value columns are the base times bigger than the column to its right. The column before the base-point is the units or ones column. The next column left is the 1 × base = base column, the next column left is the base × base = base² column and so on. To convert the number, sum each each digit of the base multiplied by its place value column. For base 2, the place value columns (left from just left of the binary-point) are 1, 2, 2² = 4, 2³ = 8, 16, 32, ... As a binary number only has 1s and 0s, converting a binary number to decimal is simply adding together the value of the place value columns that have a 1. eg 101101₂ = 32 × 1 + 16 × 0 + 8 × 1 + 4 × 1 + 2 × 0 + 1 × 1 = 32 + 8 + 4 + 1 = 45

What is the base unit for linear measurement?


What is the base unit for measuring length?

The meter.

Related questions

How do you calculate water pressure at top if water pressure given at bottom?

Every 2.3077 feet of water in a column increases the water pressure at the bottom of the column by 1 pound per square inch.A 39 foot column of water with a pressure of 120 psi at the base will have a pressure exerted on its top surface of 103.1 psi.39 ft/ 2.3077 ft/1 psi = 16.9 psi ; 120 psi -16.9 psi = 103.1 psievery meter of water in a column increases the pressure at the base of the column by 0.1 kg./ sq. cm (or 1 kilopascal)A 12 meter column of water exerts a pressure at its base of 12 kPa. (or 1.2 kg/sq. cm)

How much does pressure does a one half inch diameter column of water exert at its base?

The diameter of the water column does not affect the pressure.It is the height of the column that determines the pressure at the base.(and also the barometric pressure and temperature).

What is water pressur?

Are you asking hydrostatic (standing still) or if the water is under pressure such as the pressure at the base of a riser based on the height of the column of water?

What is the pressure exerted at the base of a water riser by a column of water in a riser 95 feet high?

The pressure exerted at the base of a water riser by a column of water is determined by the height of the column above the base. In this case, with a column of water 95 feet high, the pressure at the base would be approximately 41.1 pounds per square inch. This calculation is done using the formula P = ρgh, where P is pressure, ρ is density of water, g is acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the column.

What would water pressure be from a 5500 gallon cistern 100 feet high?

The water pressure depends ONLY on the height, and the density of the liquid - not on the number of gallons. You basically calculate the weight of a vertical column of that height, and divide by the base area. The column can be of any cross section - for example a square centimeter, a square meter, or a square foot. (For water, the pressure is about 1 bar for every 10 meters.)

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The pressure at the base of a 5000mm water column can be calculated using the formula P = ρgh, where P is pressure, ρ is the density of water, g is acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the water column. Converting 5000mm to meters (5m), and assuming the density of water to be 1000 kg/m³, the pressure at the base is approximately 0.49 atm or 49 kPa.

How many psi equals 1 water column?

You need to know how high the water column is to calculate the pressure it exerts at its base! For example, a column of water 1 metre deep would exert a pressure of 9.81 kPa at its base (density x gravity x depth - 1000 * 9.81 * 1). This would be equal to approx 1.42 PSI.

Does the size of the column affect the amount of hydrostatic pressure?

Yes, the height and density of the column do affect the amount of hydrostatic pressure. The pressure exerted at the base of a column of fluid is directly proportional to the height of the column of fluid and the density of the fluid. A taller or denser column will result in a greater hydrostatic pressure at the base.

How much pressure is created at the base of a 10 foot column of water psi.?

10 feet x 0.433 psi/ft = 4.33 psi at the base of the cylinder.

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The maximum suction lift for a solid column of water is approximately 33.9 feet (10.3 meters) at sea level. This is because the atmospheric pressure can support a column of water up to this height before the water vaporizes due to low pressure.

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The pressure that water exerts on the walls of the dam is proportional to the depth of the water or you might say the height of the column of water from the base of the dam. The hydraulic height is the same as the depth of the water to the bottom of the dam.

What is the relationship between liquid pressure and depth of a liquid?

As the depth of the fluid increases, the pressure increases. To explain this mathematicaly you consider the Sg of the fluid times the height of the column multiplied by gravity will give you the pressure at the base of the column