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Q: What will you get if you take away 3 from 11?
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What is 3 take away 8?


What is eight and one fourth take away five and a half?

2 and 3/4 or 11/4

When was Cowboy Take Me Away created?

Cowboy Take Me Away was created on 1999-11-08.

What's blank take away three equal eight?

11 - 3 = 8 Simply add the 3 and the 8 together to give the blank.

What does take mean in mathematics?

In arithmetic, to take away is to subtract as in 5 take away 3 menas 5-3.

7 11 19 35?

7 11 19 35 67 131 259 515... Double the last number then take away 3 for the next number.

What is to take away?

To "subtract" is to take away.

What is 11 take away 5?

5 - 11 = -6 (negative six)

How do you take away 3 sides of 4 squares to form 3 squares?

Take away one side

If you have 5 apples and take away 3 how many will you have?

If 'take away 3' means 'giving away the 3' to another then the answer is two (2) apples. Otherwise, If 'take away 3' means 'keeping the 3' to yourself and sharing the five (5) apples, the answer is three (3) apples. However, if 'take away 3' means 'keeping the 3' to yourself and still have the five (5) apples then the answer is eight (8) apples.

If there are 3 apples and you take away 2 how many do you have?

You will have the two you took away.

How can you use a 11-quarts pail and 3-quarts pail to measure 2-quarts?

Fill the 11 qt pail. From the 11 qt pail fill the 3 qt pail and throw away. From the 11 qt pail fill the 3 qt pail a second time and throw away. From the 11 qt pail fill the 3 qt pail a third time and throw away. You will be left with 2 quarts in the 11 qt pail.