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A balance.

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Q: What will you use to measure rice?
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What measurement do you use to measure white rice?

Use dry measure measuring cup.

How do you measure 50g of rice?

use scale

Can you use water displacement method to measure the volume of rice grains?

Yes, you can use the water displacement method to measure the volume of rice grains. Fill a graduated cylinder with water to a certain level, then carefully add the rice grains to the water. The increase in water volume after adding the rice grains will give you the volume of the rice grains.

What unit of measurement would you use to measure the length of a grain of rice?

a millimeter

What unit of measurement do you use to measure rice grains?

You must first decide what you want to measure about the rice grains: their length, circumference, mass, weight, volume, color, elasticity, etc.

If you wanted to describe the length of a grain of rice what SI unit would you use?

Personally, I would measure the length of a grain of rice in millimeters.

How do you measure the mass of a grain of rice?

mass is best measured by fluid volume displacement

How would you measure a grain of rice if the mass in grams was to small to be read on a centigram balance?

To measure a grain of rice when the mass is too small to be read on a centigram balance, you can use a more sensitive balance such as a milligram or microgram balance. These scales are capable of measuring extremely small masses and would be able to accurately measure the mass of a single grain of rice.

How would you measure the weight of a grain of rice?

You can use a precision scale that measures in milligrams, place the grain of rice on the scale, and note the weight displayed. Alternatively, you could use a balance scale and known weights to find the weight of the rice by comparing it to the known weights.

Is rice measure in meter or kilogram?

You would measure a rice plant (or perhaps the length of a rice field) in meters. You would generally measure a container of rice grains (for cooking or eating) in kilograms, unless you were concerned about how much space it would take up on a shelf or something like that.

How do you measure evapotranspiration from a lowland rice field?


How many kilogram rice fill in 33.5 square meter?

It is not possible to give a sensible answer to the question. A square metre is a measure of area in 2-dimensional space whereas the mass of rice depends on the volume - a 3-dimensional measure - of rice. The height of the pile of rice will affect the mass of rice.