In mathematics, one term that starts with the letter "J" is "joint variation." Joint variation refers to a situation where a variable depends on two or more other variables in a combined way. It is often used in algebra and calculus to describe relationships between multiple quantities.
"J" is not a math word, but there are several that beginwith 'j'.Mechanics tend to use the letter "j" instead of the imaginary unit "i", when calculating with complex numbers.
you could us ad-J-cent
In math, j is the imaginary number that is the square root of positive one, but is not equal to one.
Jefferson factor Jefferson factor does not appear in my mathematics dictionary. Jacobi's polynomials, Jacobian (a determinant), Join (sum of sets), joint variation, and Jordan matrix are some of the mathematical terms beginning with J that do appear in the math dictionary.
there is no math word that begins with j. soooo, fooled ya. mother pucker.
"J" is not a math word, but there are several that beginwith 'j'.Mechanics tend to use the letter "j" instead of the imaginary unit "i", when calculating with complex numbers.
justification and joint variation is one of the j math vocabularies.
Joules (units of energy)
It dont start with a 'J' it starts with a 'V' VAGINA ROOT !
Jump Discontinuity
Either spelling of the "J" sound can start a word. J as in Jumps or Ge as in Gently.
you could us ad-J-cent
A J word for big is JUMBO. Juggernaut.