This word does not have an opposite.
The opposite of the word "answer" is "question."
The opposite of the word "constant" is "variable".
The word that is opposite of "same" is different.(Same and opposite are also opposites.)
There are no opposite words for analyze. Also just saying the opposite of a word is called an antonym.
Despair. And for Catholics , it's a sin , because it shows a loss of Faith .
The opposite of a profit is a loss (negative profit).
The noun 'loss' is a neuter noun, a word for something that has no gender.
what word is opposite of prudent
The opposite of anything is it's absence. Silence would be the opposite of a word spoken.
The opposite of victories would be defeats, losses, or failures.
"Dis" is a prefix meaning to do the opposite of or to remove. In the word "discredit," it is used to indicate a loss of credibility or reputation.